Koffi, Your Friend at Lee's

Feb 6, 2023, 10:34:55 PM

For the Lee’s team, February means a month of focusing on the core value of “respectful”. We get to receive valuable training from leaders, set goals, and learn from awesome examples what it really means to be respectful. When thinking of team members who emulate this, Koffi immediately comes to mind. 

Koffi, Customer Service Specialist in Lee's Marketplace Herriman

Koffi works at guest services in Lee’s newest store in Herriman, Utah. He shared that respect was one of his core values growing up, and it has stuck with him ever since. “Respect, according to my understanding, is treating people the way you want to be treated. My dad always told me, ‘What you wouldn’t want anyone to do to you, do not do to others.’” 

“There are multiple customers who know Koffi by name and come looking for him,” Heather, Koffi’s manager, shared. “I believe this is because not only does he provide excellent customer service, but he also treats each individual with such a level of respect that they feel better about themselves as they leave our store than they did when they came in.” 

Heather explained that his habits set him apart in this aspect as well. He always uses terms like “ma’am” and “sir,” whether he is addressing a stranger or a close friend, he regularly and frequently thanks individuals, and never interrupts someone when they are speaking. She shared this endearing experience with Koffi: 

“I once asked Koffi if he ever gets angry with people. His response was that he does not because, ‘we are all people and people are not perfect,’ and he explained that we should just love all people- which he always does.” 

Koffi has a kindness that is contagious, and we could all afford to learn from his example. There's no doubt the world would be a better place because of it. We’re very fortunate here at Lee’s to have people on our team that, like Koffi, don’t just show up to work- they bring their all to the table and make a difference no matter where they are with the kindness they show. Thank you, for supporting our business, and for your kindness with our team as they do their best to show the same to you.